If you've been following along with the updates for my new card game, Heroic Missions, you know that it's time to see what allies can do for you in this cooperative card game. If not, you might want to back up a few posts and catch up on the info. I'm currently awaiting my prototype to be shipped to me from TheGameCrafter.com and then I plan to do an unboxing on youtube. So stay tuned. Till then, allies are heroes in the event decks that can boost you or fight for you outright. Each one has special attributes and affiliations to make them even better. And believe this, you will need all the help you and your friends can get. So let's take a look at an example.

You should immediately see some familiar information on Dreamseer's card. She has stats and health just like you or bosses. Those stats do the same thing for allies that they do for you. Having ally give you plus 1 in all your stats. But you can also have an ally go forward to do actions for you including combat. So lets go along with the information on the card.
Affiliation: Right below her name is Dreamseer's affiliation with her team the Strykeforce Guard. Affiliations are listed on a note card with the game and each has their own special abilities to add to their members. In this case, when a member of this team uses the intercept ability they gain +2 defense. Intercept is a standard game ability that allows you or an ally to get in the way of an attack on another player or ally and take up defending it. That also means taking damage if it doesn't work out.
Recruit requirement: Where it says REC is where you find out what you have to roll from your mentality dice to gain Dreamseer as an ally. If your mentality doesn't give you enough dice to meet a requirement, you get to roll that as the minimum number of dice. Breaking down the numbers, when you roll your mentality and let's say you have an MNT of 5 (so you roll 5d6) you need to get 3 dice to come up as anything from 2-4 in order to recruit Dreamseer. Unless another ability allows for it, you may only have one ally at a time. If an ally comes up in your assigned missions, you must try to recruit and failure counts against you (see earlier posts).
Special abilities: Right under her health you see the special abilities she can use (or you can use when it comes to some allies). As you can read, she has mind control and that is a 7d6 attack for her to take control of an enemy and use them to attack someone or something else. In her next ability she can combine two of her stats for 10 dice total to attack an enemy requiring they use their endurance to defend (even if another of their stats would be stronger or better for defense). Of course, Dreamseer's main drawback is her health. She can only take 4 hits before she's gone. And aside from mentality, her other stats are pretty low and may not defend her that well. So she needs to be used with some tactics in mind.
Past that she can use any abilities her stat levels allow (listed on another note card that we will get to later) or that you could do with the same stats. Now, lets get a peek preview of a couple other allies you'll want to work with.
First, let's check out Halley of the Chessmen. Firs note his recruitment and see how easy it will likely be to get him on your side. You only need 2 dice to come up 4-6 and he's ready to help you out. As soon as you recruit him, he gets an artifact attached to him that will make him even more dangerous. It gives him +3 defense and he cannot be counter attacked. Halley's best attack is only 6 dice, but he can target 2 enemies no matte where they are on the table. Considering he can have up to 9 dice for his defense, Halley can be hard to take down. As a member of the Chessmen, if another member of this team is in play, none of them can be stunned.

Now this is a combatant you want out front taking on threats directly. The Gator is a little harder to recruit, but he's a triple 9. 9 dice for both strength and endurance with 9 health. Even better is his ability to count 3's as successful dice that enemies will have to defend with minimums of 4's. The Southern Watch get +2 defense against spells that applies to the player they ally with.
Now for the coup de grace that I know my readers want to know about. Yes, it's King Falcon.
Arconians have use of fire and lightning with immunity to both built in. KF gets equipped with 3 fat artifacts that make him a force of terror for any enemy on the table and even the bosses are nervous. It won't be easy to recruit him with low mentality but if you do, he has 12 health and stats that can do nearly anything. He's everything a cosmic hero should be.
Another point about allies is that they are color coded bright green to their stats and health. While this may be an issue for color blind players, only allies have REC. Anything else is a threat. Next time, we will see what some of those threats look like.
Thank you for all your support and sharing the news. Stay tuned for more GZ information and follow me!