Glaring with fury |
Electrode said as Cyclone approached with menace, “We need a plan and we need
it now.”
tightened his fists, “My power could kill him and we aren’t supposed to do
“So we don’t.
I want you to make a deep hole under his feet.”
“You heard
me, and hurry, he’s about to lunge at us,” Electrode moved into speed mode and
couldn’t be seen any longer.
I hope you’re guiding me man!” Blacktide fired his disintegration power at the
sand under Cyclone’s feet and he dropped. The hole only came to his waist.
raced around Cyclone blasting at the sand and spraying all over the cosmic
being while infusing the entire arrangement with lightning. In all but a second’s
glance Electrode stood next to Blacktide again. They both stared at the furious
Cylone, completely encased in glass.
Further into the air, and now at
the eye of the hurricane, Sandstorm put his will against that of the storm. As
Cyclone fought the group below, the storm weakened slightly and that was the
knowledge Sandstorm needed. The hurricane resisted him, howled at him, and even
tried to throw him out. Sandstorm would not relent. Sandstorm’s elemental link
to the Earth didn’t just allow him to sense weather patterns on the other side
of the world. Sandstorm could draw power from the Earth to limits even he didn’t
know. It was Sandstorm’s will against that of the living hurricane to force it
out of existence. The tug of war pulled at the very molecules of Sandstorm’s
being and the face screamed at him from the inner wall of the eye.
“You aren’t going another ten feet
into Florida!” Sandstorm thought through the pain, “I’m not going to let you!”
“That was impressive,” Blacktide
said as they stared for the moment at Cyclone in the glass. “Lighting glass.”
“But will it hold him?” Electrode
Anubis |
“Looks like we’re about to find
out,” Anubis said as he now hovered over them, “Man, he can hit back!”
Cracks raced across the glass
surface. Anubis put up a barrier of energy that stopped the glass shards from
reaching them as Cyclone burst free from the torso up. From his waist down,
Cyclone was still encased in the hole filled with glass. Cyclone raised his
fists up to bring down and free himself. At that moment, behind the cosmic
entity, Nyhtwulf rose from the ground. No one had seen the demon move from
where he was resting, especially not Cyclone.
Nyhtwulf phased his fingers into either side of
Cyclone’s skull. Cyclone screamed and a wave of energy burst out and threw
everyone back. The winds of the hurricane surged harder and louder.
“Tell Anubis to strike now and strike hard!” Nyhtwulf called into
Blacktide’s mind.
“Ahh! Don’t shout!” Blacktide looked
to Anubis and relayed the message.
“Well, okay, if he says so,” Anubis
charged both his fist and flew in for a high powered punch aimed for Cyclone’s
Anubis punched Cyclone so hard that
there was another explosion of force. Glass and sand flew all around. Electrode
quickly moved Redeagle and Atomizer behind Blacktide. Blacktide extended his
aura forward and all sand and glass that would hit them was disintegrated.
As the glare from the attack faded,
so did the hurricane, leaving only rough dark seas in its stead. Sandstorm
materialized on the beach, bent on one knee and gasping from exhaustion. In the
new crater, Anubis and Nyhtwulf stood over the unconscious body of Cyclone.
Electrode rushed over to check on Sandstorm
who waved off to signal he was okay.
Blacktide turned to Redeagle and
Atomizer who started to stir. “Oh, good, you guys are moving around.”
“I’m soaked and caked with sand,”
Atomizer spat some sand from his lips.
“What happened?” Redeagle asked as
he did similar, “And did you move us over here?”
“We won. And no way, man, I could
never risk that. Electrode moved you.”
“So what do we do with him now?”
Anubis asked as he and Nyhtwulf stared down at Cyclone.
“I really don’t know,” Nyhtwulf
said and then gasped at the sound of his own voice.
“Uh, you just talked, dude,” Anubis
“Yes! I did! I can speak again! The
spell must be broken.”
“Broken?” Blacktide rushed to the
crater’s edge. “Does that mean you’ve completed your mission?”
He rose from the sand |
As if in direct reply a new figure
rose from the ground at another edge of the crater; much like Nyhtwulf had
before. This person towered over them all shrouded in a black cloak with a
great hood blocking facial features. Everyone except Nyhtwulf took a defensive
stance as he rose. In this skeletal hands he held a great shining scythe. The
figure moved the scythe out to his right side and brought the end of it to the
sand. The ground shook and knocked everyone to the ground; for none were
allowed to stand against him. The head raised from its downward angle to reveal
a glaring skull laced with more shining metal. Death stood over them.
The gaze of Death turned to
Nyhtwulf who knelt with head bowed while everyone else looked on in horror and
“You have done well, my servant,”
Death’s voice boomed and echoed.
“Thank you, my master!” Nyhtwulf
responded still bowed.
“Rise, for you are my servant no
more. You have earned your new life and freedom. You may go where you wish, but
there is one more thing.”
“What is your will?” Nyhtwulf stood
as commanded while Anubis sat back, still in shock.
“You now carry my favor. I will not
tell you more about it than that.”
“Very well. What of Cyclone?”
Death gestured and Cyclone’s
unconscious body floated up out of the crater, “I will take my brother to where
he may recuperate before returning to his duties in the universe.”
Anubis jumped to his feet, “What?
Your brother?”
Death turned his gaze to Anubis who
immediately fell back to sitting in the sand.
“Aww, man, I never would have hit
him if I knew he was your brother. I mean, I didn’t even know he was your
brother. And, man, I hit him really hard too…”
“SILENCE!” Death’s voice boomed.
“Okay,” Anubis responded meekly.
“None of you need fear my wrath
today. You assisted Nyhtwulf with his mission, for that you have my gratitude.
Now you are charged with an even greater task. Seek the one capable of this
spell on my brother and you will the master of all your current problems. On
this, I have nothing more to say.” Death and Cyclone vanished from sight
leaving everyone blinking for sake of what they weren’t sure they saw.
Just as suddenly, they all found
themselves in the street and on the sidewalk in front of the FPA office
building. Death had seen fit to return them and all they could do for several
moments was stare at each other in amazement.
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