Monday, April 5, 2021

GZ Tales: To Kill: Part 1


            The grisly scene was just as described; bodies of an alien race, scattered in pieces and wreckage strewn across the surface of a lifeless planetoid. Nothing else existed on the moon sized orb but dirt and rock. King Falcon gripped his pole axe tightly as he hovered over the scene. His wings, fiery with arcs of lightning held him aloft over the carnage. When a group of travelers reported this to him, King Falcon wasted no time in getting there to investigate.

            King Falcon ruled the planet Arconia and its avian people. Arconians have humanoid bodies with the heads of various birds. The royalty of Arconia, like their King, have wings of fire and lightning that they can summon or dismiss at will. King Falcon’s brown muscular body is topped with the head of a Peregrine falcon. His deep red eyes glow with cosmic power.

            Those eyes had seen many horrors in their time, but this was particularly disturbing. The golden ring on his left hand, the Ring of Knowledge, told him this race’s home wasn’t far. He would fly there and notify them of the incident. First he wanted to figure out what caused this crash. King Falcon lowered to the ground and dismissed his wings. He held out his hand with the ring. The Ring of Knowledge is one of the Great Rings of the universe and it could tell him nearly anything he wanted to know. The King wasn’t without his own cosmic powers and senses however. They all told him the same thing.

            “Metron energy discharge, the whole wreck is thick with it,” King Falcon said to himself, “They were attacked.” He examined a large piece of the ship. “This was crumpled in a very large hand, wider than my shoulders.”

            King Falcon stood an impressive 7 feet and 11 inches, a foot taller than most Arconians. He was beginning to think this ship was attacked by a monster. Strewn through the wreckage, he could see people’s belongings. The gowns, trinkets, and expensive luggage told him that this was a luxury vessel. This kind of ship would not be a threat to anyone and would have little in the way of weaponry. As he grimaced at this terrible crime, his ring told him something else.

            “You may as well show yourself!” King Falcon shouted, “I know you’re there!”

            On the far side of the wreckage a 40 foot tall form materialized. King Falcon knew about Cyborians. They were a race of scientists that developed multi-dimensional combat armor and technology to defend themselves. All Cyborians were bonded to their own individually styled armor for life. King Falcon had met many of them, and he called more than a few “friend.”  But this Cyborian was new to him.  The ring warned him of an intense evil.

            The big Cyborian shined in silver and shades of blue. Its optics were angled to appear angry and glowed bright red. The speaker grill curved into a wide cruel smile. Dark blue shoulder plates rose high over its head from a joined point of the chest. On each shoulder, a saw blade gleamed in the starlight. A red gem glowed from the front center of its waist. Assorted spikes could be seen on fists, knees and boots. The monster’s entire design suggested a sadistic mind was at the helm.

            King Falcon had heard tales. He knew this Cyborian from reputation alone. This one was a renegade of his race and worse. This was Maniac, a genocidal serial killer. An untold number of races were extinct due to Maniac’s insatiable taste for blood.

 Haunting laughter echoed through the area.         “I knew you would come,” Maniac’s voice blared.

            “You didn’t have to kill these innocent people to get my attention,” King Falcon held his axe ready, anticipating a fight.

            “Oh, I know; I could have come to your world or just near it.” Maniac’s speaker grill seemed to sneer.

            “So, why all this?” King Falcon knew better than to ask, but the senseless waste of life still had him stunned.

            “I’ll give you two reasons, noble King. One, you are further from your home and source of power. Two, it was fun.

            “You’ve made a grave error, Maniac. It doesn’t matter how far from home I am. Now I can see your plan. I think you intend to destroy Arconia.”

            Without another word or waiting for response, King Falcon threw his axe. Maniac crossed his giant arms and blocked the attack. The sound of metal against metal rang and echoed. Maniac barely stepped backwards from the force of the strike. As the axe flew back to its owner’s hand, Maniac charged.

            “Yes! I will destroy your world, noble King! I exist to kill!”

Be sure to check back for part 2 where the battle takes off. Want to get more of the stories faster? Hit my authors page and order your copy of any book I've written.  Go HERE

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